About Mona

Mona Van Joseph, a.k.a.

Mystic Mona®️

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Get to know Mona!

Mona Van Joseph a.k.a. Mystic Mona®️ is a renowned intuitive Tarot reader whose unique insights and guidance have transformed the lives of countless individuals seeking clarity, purpose, and empowerment.

Personal Background

While studying with a friend for an exam for school, these young women took tea with the friend's mother. The mother asked Mona if she had ever had her tea leaves read. When Mona told her that she didn't know what that was, this wise, and lovely lady proceeded to read the tea leaves in her cup. Mona was captivated by the experience and asked her to teach her how to read the leaves. This turning-point time in her life showed her how to focus her intuition and ultimately led her to discover the Tarot.

Development of Skills and Practice

Shortly after this experience, Mona found her first deck of Tarot cards called the classic Rider-Waite®️ deck. Initially, she spent significant effort trying to "memorize the meaning of every card." She quickly realized that the process of intuiting is not limited to words in a little instruction book, but rather, her understanding of how all the cards worked together in a spread. Mona is self-taught in interpretations of the Tarot, which explains her distinctive approach to readings.

Mona feels that the selection of a deck and the meaning of each card needs to resonate to the individual reader. That said, Mona discovered the Osho-Zen®️ Tarot deck two decades ago. She resonates with this deck of cards because of the OSHO philosophy. It is the deck Mona exclusively uses because they are more aligned with her energy and provides a solid approach to working with her clients. The combination of her intuition and this specific deck allow her to get right to the most important issues in her sessions.

Professional Life

Initially, Mona would do readings for friends, just for fun. However, when she was about 20 years old, she conducted a reading for a friend and reported to him that she felt a very dark energy and some specific events. When her friend confirmed this, the dark nature of the energy frightened Mona enough to cease reading for 10 years! She realized then, that she was not mature enough to handle some of the more dramatic and intense issues that could arise in a reading.

But in her early 30s, Mona was drawn back to reading and was still reading with the Ryder-Waite®️ deck, again, mostly for "fun." About 10 years later (when she was looking for a new Tarot deck) she found the Osho-Zen®️ Tarot deck that she uses to this day. When she was looking through this deck for first time she shuffled to a card called "Trust" when gazing at this one beautiful card, her whole body was covered in goose bumps. This deck has 79 cards, one more than the traditional 78. The one additional card in this deck is called The Master and is the most powerful card in the deck. It rarely appears in a reading because it indicates, Self-Mastering, Self-Actualization and Enlightenment.

Mona again initiated intuitive Tarot readings as a hobby for friends and family for 10 years. After repeated positive and uplifting feedback from hundreds of clients who told her "that was the most amazing reading I've ever had," or "that was just what I needed to hear," Mona decided to turn her hobby into her life long passion and profession. With the skills learned from her business degree and a dinner with good friends who encouraged her, she started her formal business as Mystic Mona®️.

Philosophy and Approach

Mona's philosophy and approach to intuitive Tarot card reading is based on the idea that the cards are a tool to provide focus, but that by utilizing the entire spread of cards, the dialogue she is meant to share will come through. Her approach breaks from traditional Tarot teachings that often encourage a reader to start a reading with multiple questions. Mona feels that this can skew the energies, so she will often complete the overview of a reading before addressing or asking any questions. (This is probably why Mona's 30 minute phone session is her most popular.)

Mona believes that her role in a session is to gracefully tell you what she needs to tell you and to empower you take action in your life. She believes it is a privilege when you give her permission to look at your cards, tap into your energy or essence, and then reflect those energies and ideas that support your growth. She understands that clients may be coming to her with a difficult issue or in a challenging phase of life. Her intent is always to support you. She genuinely cares about your happiness and success in life.

Impact and Client Experiences

Mona feels that her gifts are in service to her clients and her community. Her personal readings can make a positive impact in the lives of her clients, many of which have worked with her for several years. Her authenticity and straight forward approach are well received in the community. This is reflected in the many testimonials and reviews on her business platforms and social media sites.

Mona not only provides personal readings, but also hosts a weekly radio program, Psychic View®️ on Saturday mornings at 9AM, Pacific Time. Anyone may call in to her show on http://blogtalkradio.com/PsychicView and ask one question and Mona will provide a mini reading. The radio program is free and you need only call in!

She also has provided services for many corporate and private events such as conferences, celebrity and high roller events, poker tournaments, trade shows, weddings, showers, birthday parties and has conducted thousands of readings to people of all ages and all backgrounds.

In addition to her intuitive Tarot services, Mona also hosts a number of charity events in the Las Vegas area to benefit such organizations as HELP of Southern Nevada, Dress for Success, Shade Tree, American Heart Association, Junior League and many others.

Personal Reflections and Future Directions

Mona truly believes that the people who are meant to find her will find his or way to her.

She fundamentally believes that when you go to the right reader, they enhance what you already know about yourself. She continues to be fascinated by how each person's card truly guide her in delivering the words of wisdom that are meant to be shared.

Mona lives with her husband in the Las Vegas area. She enjoys travel, entertaining, great restaurants and the Las Vegas vibe. When you're ready, Mona looks forward to being here for you and would enjoy Predicting YOUR Potential!

Professional Affiliations

As Mystic Mona, your trusted intuitive Tarot consultant, I am proud to be a member of several esteemed local affiliations and have been honored to hold a Psychic Arts License through the City of Las Vegas since 2002. My journey in the mystical arts is backed by both community recognition and official accreditation, ensuring a professional and insightful experience in every reading.

Charity Events

Mona hosts The Night of the Witches!

held annualy in OCTOBER


Benefits HELP of Southern Nevada

live with mona

When: Daily at various times

How: To be added to the queue, 15 minutes prior to the show call us at:


Notes: Mona will provide a 15-20 minute reading live, on air. Please understand that new callers will be given priority. If you would like to be considered for this program, please submit your name and contact information. Thank you.